Google Chrome - Incognito Mode
Modified on: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 12:26
Opening an Incognito Tab in Google Chrome
Incognito mode can be used to block plugins and other processes that may be causing poor performance on a website. If you are experiencing severe performance issues on a web page, try using an incognito tab. Please be aware, Single Sign On cannot see inside an incognito tab so sites like JAC EPMA will not auto login.
In Google Chrome, click on the three dots on the right side of the browser window.
Click on the option "New incognito window".
You can also hold down Ctrl + Shift and press N.
You can tell you are using an incognito window as you will see this in the top right corner.
Audience Public
Last Updated by Jamie Stevenson - 13/11/2019 (Small in Fresh Solution Text)