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Microsoft Teams - How to setup a meeting via Outlook

Modified on: Tue, 1 Sep 2020 10:23

...Because Microsoft Teams is linked to your NHSMail account, it is also linked to Microsoft Outlook, allowing you to setup meetings and conference calls at the touch of a button.

You CANNOT setup a teams meeting on somebody else's calendar or a shared calendar.

  1. Create a new meeting in outlook. Click on Teams Meeting


2. This will create a Link to the meeting that can be sent to internal and external people

  1. Enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite (you can even email a contact group that you have created or distribution list)

b. Subject and Location and time, like a normal meeting

c. At this point you can click on Meeting Options to adjust how people can connect the meeting and how to "present" their screen.
You will be asked to login to your NHSMail account to do this.


d. Finally Send the invite



  1. The recipients can join the meeting with their NHSMail account or as a Guestand enter their name.
    1. The meeting organiser can then join the meeting and allow the guest or other recipients to join





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