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Emailing Careflow Discharge Summaries Via Web Mail

Modified on: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 12:05

The Trust have made it possible to export a copy of the discharge summary before the patient has been discharged, which is possible within Careflow PAS.  It will be helpful for complex discharges requiring MDT input outside of the Trust.

Instructions from PAS team below.



Print discharge summary to PDF

From print screen, select the document as before.

The print queue will default to Secureprint


Click Schedule to change it


Schedule Submissions screen opens


If a Word Document opens in preview mode you need to close it to generate a PDF




Tick box under Selected Communications



Select PDF print queue from dropdown


Click ‘Updated Selected’



Click ‘Submit’



Save Print Output window opens

 Find ‘Documents’ folder. Do not save anywhere else on your device.


Click Save

Careflow print ‘Send Successful’ prompt appears

Create an email and attach the PDF from the saved location.



Delete the PDF from your ‘Documents’ folder when finished.

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