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Manage Fake Virus Popups - Microsoft Edge Notifications

Modified on: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 09:00


Manage Fake Virus Popups - Microsoft Edge Notifications

Website notifications appear in the lower right corner of your screen and are also displayed in the Notification Center. When notifications are turned on for a website, they will still appear even if Microsoft Edge is closed. 

These are not genuine Antivirus notifications, these is purely an Edge notification that's masquerading as one (See in the grey part of the pictures below they show the website ( and where it originates from (via Microsoft Edge)

How to stop website notifications in Microsoft Edge

You can remove or block notifications for individual websites in the following ways:

Remove or block notifications in Edge settings

  1. In Edge, go to Settings and more  in the upper right corner of your browser window.
    An image showing the Settings and more menu in Microsoft Edge.
  2. Select Settings  > Cookies and site permissions and select Notifications. Under Allow, you will find a list of websites that are currently sending you notifications.
  3. Select the three dots next to the website from which you want to stop receiving notifications and select either Remove or Block.

    • Selecting Block stops the website from sending you notifications.
    • Selecting Remove stops notifications also, but if you visit this website in the future the site will ask if you want to allow notifications again. 

      This will immediately stop any further notifications popping up for the user.

Note: If you are receiving unwanted pop-ups, which are not the same as website notifications, please see Block pop-ups in Microsoft Edge. Pop-ups are advertisements, notices, offers, and alerts that open in your current browser window, in a new window, or in another tab.

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