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IT Service Level Agreement (SLA) Guidance

Modified on: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 10:44

IT Service Level Agreement

This document discusses the Service Level Agreement (SLA) under which the Trusts internal IM&T Department will provide IT Services to University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.


A formal Service Level Agreement, (SLA), is a documented agreement between a service provider and a customer that identifies both the services required and the expected level of that service.


In UHSussex, the SLA is managed and monitored using our ITSM tool – Freshworks. The below page is published on the IT Hub User Portal:


UHSussex IT Service Level Agreement (SLA) | Knowledge Base | IT Hub - 08:00 - 17:00 - Monday - Friday (



UHSussex IT Service Level Agreement



Below is a copy of the SLA that IT will respond to dependent on the priority of the Incident or Service Request raised. 


Note Urgent Priority Incidents are ‘IT Critical Incidents’ and would involve the invoking of the IT Critical Incident Process.




Monitoring of SLA


Within the Freshwork’s tool set, is an Analytics tool which allows the creation of live dashboards and in-depth reports. It is this that is used to monitor and manage the SLA status of all IT works. 


The below live SLA Performance dashboard is published and available to all IT Managers in UHSussex.


30 Day SLA Performance



It is the responsibility of the IT Department Managers to monitor the SLA performance of their teams.










If a reported Incident or Service Request requires escalation, this should be escalated via the IT Hub Portal in the first instance – on the ticket that has been raised.

If there is a need to escalate further, customers should follow the below chart. The IT Hub Service Desk team will then direct the escalation appropriately.


Named Contact

Escalation Point






IT Hub Service Desk

01903 205111 

ext. 65777

Don Prince


IT Hub Service Desk Manager 


Simon Drew


IT Service Delivery Manager


+447769 241070


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