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Getting Started - Working from Home (RSCH/RACH/PRH)

Modified on: Mon, 6 Nov 2023 15:42

Working from Home (WFH)

This guide covers WFH at RSCH/RACH/PRH. If you need the guide for WOR/SRH/SOU please CLICK HERE

Prerequisites for Working from home

  • A Trust issued laptop
  • Broadband internet at home (Minimum 10Mbps)
  • Access to the Global Protect VPN software
  • Your laptop must have been logged in by you, on site, at least once before being taken home

Next Steps:

Trust Laptops
- If you do not have a trust laptop your department manager can request one for you via THIS FORM 

*Please note: IT does not supply any additional IT equipment for WFH*

- If you already have a laptop ensure you have signed into it at least once before taking it home and ensure Global Protect is installed on your pc before leaving site.

Global Protect

- Global Protect is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) software that allows your computer to connect to the Trust Network from home. Without this connection you will not be able to use any clinical applications that are hosted internally. To request access to Global Protect please complete THIS FORM

- A guide for using Global Protect can be found HERE. We advise reading through this guide prior to taking your trust laptop home 

- The trust does not supply broadband internet. If you do not have broadband currently you will need to organise this yourself before you can work from home. 

- We recommend a minimum speed of 10mbps. If your home internet can stream video e.g. Netflix with no issue your internet speed should be sufficient to WFH. 

- Most broadband will be above 10Mbps but you can check your home internet by running a Speed test on your home network. A great tool for this can be found at

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