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Outlook 365 - Desktop Application / Webmail- How to send emails as another mailbox

Modified on: Mon, 1 Aug 2022 15:33

If you using the NHSMail webmail please do not use this guide. This is for the full Outlook application only. See the bottom for the Webmail version.

If you are a member or owner of a shared mailbox (or have the necessary permissions for another persons mailbox) then you have the ability to send emails as the mailbox.

Below is the guidance on how to send a message as a shared mailbox.

Please note that any emails you send will appear in both your OWN Sent items and the Sent Items of the other mailbox.

First. If you cannot see the FROM field when you open an email click on OPTIONS > FROM


1. Open a new email > Click on From > Select Other Email address



2. Click on From - this will open the address book


3. Search for the mailbox by name
e.g. "worthing-lung" . Select the correct entry then click OK in the bottom right.



4. Click OK again on this box


5. Now compose and send your message. This should be successfully delivered.



6. Now that you have successfully sent your message you should see the shared mailbox appear on your From list.

For Webmail users:

Easier and safest way is to open the other mailbox as a separate tab.

If the same tab is used. See the settings below:

Then make the new message below:


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