Microsoft Office
Excel - Printing a Worksheet in Excel
Microsoft Excel - Printing a Worksheet in Excel Print a worksheet Select the worksheet or select the worksheets that you want to preview. Choose File > Print. (You can also press CTRL+P.) NOTE: The preview window will display in black and white, regardless of whether your worksheet(s) includes color, unless you are configured to print on a color printer. To preview the next and previous pages, at the bottom of the Print Preview window, choose Next Page and Previous Page. To set the printing options, do the following: To change the printer, use the drop-down box under Printer, and select the printer that you want. To make page setup changes, including changing page orientation, paper size, and page margins, select the options that you want under Settings. To scale the entire worksheet to fit on a single printed page, under Settings, click the option that you want in the scale options drop-down box. To print the workbook, do one of the following: To print a portion of a worksheet, select the worksheet, and then select the range of data that you want to print. To print the entire worksheet, select the worksheet to activate it. Click Print.
Print to PDF (Previously known as CutePDF)
The process Windows10 has now got a built-in function for Printing to PDF, the old method was to deploy CutePDF to the device. When the user is ready to Print to PDF, they need to click on Print and then select Microsoft Print to PDF from the list and then proceed. Once they click Print, it will then offer the user to save the file as PDF. Open the newly converted PDF file and print.
Outlook 365 - Desktop Application / Webmail- How to send emails as another mailbox
If you using the NHSMail webmail please do not use this guide. This is for the full Outlook application only. See the bottom for the Webmail version. If you are a member or owner of a shared mailbox (or have the necessary permissions for another persons mailbox) then you have the ability to send emails as the mailbox. Below is the guidance on how to send a message as a shared mailbox. Please note that any emails you send will appear in both your OWN Sent items and the Sent Items of the other mailbox. First. If you cannot see the FROM field when you open an email click on OPTIONS > FROM 1. Open a new email > Click on From > Select Other Email address 2. Click on From - this will open the address book 3. Search for the mailbox by name e.g. "worthing-lung" . Select the correct entry then click OK in the bottom right. 4. Click OK again on this box 5. Now compose and send your message. This should be successfully delivered. 6. Now that you have successfully sent your message you should see the shared mailbox appear on your From list. For Webmail users: Easier and safest way is to open the other mailbox as a separate tab. If the same tab is used. See the settings below: Then make the new message below:
Signing Devices Out of Microsoft Office
Signing Devices Out of Microsoft Office 1. Navigate to the Microsoft Portal by clicking this link: Microsoft portal 2. Click "View apps & devices" under the Office apps & Devices tab 3. Click on Devices under the Office tab 4. You will now see a list of devices signed into your Microsoft Office account. Find the asset you want to sign out of and click "Sign Out" on the right hand side 5. Repeat with any other devices you would like to remove. These devices will no longer be signed in as you on Microsoft office applications.