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Microsoft Teams – Presenting your Screen and Sharing Control

Modified on: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 12:48

During a Meeting or from a Chat you can share your Screen with others.

From a Chat:

  • Click on the Screen Sharing Button
  • Now select what Desktop or Window you want other to see
    1. Desktop = Whatever is on your Screen
    2. Window = One particular Application you have open

From a Meeting:

  • Click on the Screen Sharing Button
  • Select the Desktop or Window you want to share

Once you have selected the screen you want to share, it will be outlined in RED and a Toolbar will appear at the top of the screen.


The Toolbar Buttons




Give Control

Click on the Give Control drop down and select who you want to give access to

Request Control

Other members of the meeting can Request Control of your screen using this button

The person sharing their screen will see the requestors name and be prompted to Allow or Deny Access

At any point the person sharing their screen can Cancel Control of their screen


When you give someone access to your screen you will see their TEAMS ICON as they move the cursor.


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