Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams - How to setup a meeting via Outlook
...Because Microsoft Teams is linked to your NHSMail account, it is also linked to Microsoft Outlook, allowing you to setup meetings and conference calls at the touch of a button. PLEASE NOTE: You CANNOT setup a teams meeting on somebody else's calendar or a shared calendar. Create a new meeting in outlook. Click on Teams Meeting 2. This will create a Link to the meeting that can be sent to internal and external people Enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite (you can even email a contact group that you have created or distribution list) b. Subject and Location and time, like a normal meeting c. At this point you can click on Meeting Options to adjust how people can connect the meeting and how to "present" their screen. You will be asked to login to your NHSMail account to do this. d. Finally Send the invite The recipients can join the meeting with their NHSMail account or as a Guestand enter their name. The meeting organiser can then join the meeting and allow the guest or other recipients to join
Microsoft Teams - How to create a group chat / discussion
Creating a group chat / discussion You do not need to own or be part of a Team to create a group chat or discussion once you have logged into teams click the Chat button. Start typing the names of the names of the people you want to be part of the chat or discussion. To make it easier to find people type in the format of surname followed by a comma, a space then the first name. Once you have added all the people to the chat, you can name your chat by clicking the pencil icon, and manage participants by clicking on the group icon.
Microsoft Teams - Transferring a Meeting over to your Mobile App
NOTE: This feature only works if you are attending a TEAMS MEETING. This feature does NOT work for one-to-one calls. You must have the Microsoft Teams App installed on your phone. Some settings may look different depending on your model of phone Whilst in a meeting on your computer, open the app on your phone You will see a prompt on the top of your screen to “Join” the meeting By default, your Audio/Video will be disabled to avoid feedback. Now you can hang up from the meeting on your computer and turn the Audio/Video on, on your phone If you need to go back to the meeting on your computer you can re-join it by clicking on the meeting invite that was sent to you. Remember to hang up on your phone to avoid feedback
Microsoft Teams - Managing and adding contacts within teams
Managing and adding contacts within teams. To manage contacts within teams, click the Calls button, then Contacts then Add contact Start typing the names of the names of the people you want to add. To make it easier to find people type in the format of surname followed by a comma, a space then the first name. From your Contacts list, you can quickly message, start a video or voice call with a person quickly. If you click on the three . . . you can remove a contact or add as a speed dial if you are in communication frequently. If you click on the three . . . you can remove a contact or add as a speed dial if you are in communication frequently. If you wish to start a simple chat with a person, or setup a group chat please follow this guide.
Microsoft Teams - Useful Buttons
When in a Chat… Chat Features When on a Voice or Video Call… Call Options… When Screen Sharing…
Microsoft Teams – Presenting your Screen and Sharing Control
During a Meeting or from a Chat you can share your Screen with others. From a Chat: Click on the Screen Sharing Button Now select what Desktop or Window you want other to see Desktop = Whatever is on your Screen Window = One particular Application you have open From a Meeting: Click on the Screen Sharing Button Select the Desktop or Window you want to share Once you have selected the screen you want to share, it will be outlined in RED and a Toolbar will appear at the top of the screen. The Toolbar Buttons Give Control Click on the Give Control drop down and select who you want to give access to Request Control Other members of the meeting can Request Control of your screen using this button The person sharing their screen will see the requestors name and be prompted to Allow or Deny Access At any point the person sharing their screen can Cancel Control of their screen When you give someone access to your screen you will see their TEAMS ICON as they move the cursor.
Microsoft Teams - Recording a Meeting
Microsoft Teams allows you to record a meeting so it can be reviewed later. This records Voice and Video Recordings are stored on Microsoft Stream which is a secure, cloud based service. NHS MAIL FULL GUIDANCE PAGE - WHO CAN RECORD During a meeting ANYONE that is not a Guest is able to record the meeting. This will display a warning to all other members telling them they are now being recorded. So please ask permission FIRST before you start recording! HOW TO RECORD 1. Setup and launch a Microsoft Teams meeting as normal, this can be voice or video or a mixture of both 2. On the Menu Bar click on ... and select Start Recording Note: If this is your first time doing this, then you will be asked to review terms and conditions before the recording can start 3. The recording will begin and a message will appear across the top of your screen to advise you and your colleagues of this 4. To stop recording click on ... and select Stop Recording You will see this confirmation and your recording will begin to be uploaded to Microsoft Stream This will take a several minutes to upload and you will be emailed when its ready to view (more on this below) 5. The video will be listed in the meeting notes and visible to all members of the meeting. Click on it to watch it. If you want to edit the recording or who can see it, see below. EDITING THE RECORDING You can do this in two ways - via the recording link in the meeting notes - via the email confirmation Meeting Notes Email confirmation Clicking on this link will take you to Microsoft Stream where you can edit the video and permissions These will open the Microsoft Stream website (which works in a similar way to YouTube) From here you can edit the video, change permissions, change the title etc. EDITING THE RECORDING 1. Click on ... and select Update Video Details Here you can change the Name, description, grant/remove access, add captions, upload subtitles, download, delete or share the video. You can also view any previous recording you have made, by video, or by meeting by clicking on My Content
Microsoft Teams - How to install
Microsoft Teams will need to be installed for some features to work. for example creating a Teams Meeting using Microsoft outlook. -Open Internet Explorer or Google Chrome and go to - Login with NHSmail account You will be redirected to the NHSMail login page to complete your login - Click on Get the Windows App - Or if you are logged straight in, click on your Profile icon and select Download the Desktop App - Click on Run or Open - This should install without needing Admin credentials. Please call IT if you need any support with installing Teams.
Microsoft Teams - Online Guidance
Teams Room Instructions
We are setting up a number of Teams rooms and have 1 more planned. Rooms are setup in the Worthing and Brighton Boardrooms. 23/06/21 - John Bull Room, Worthing : TBA - Awaiting Hardware install The email addresses used to book these room as are: When setting up a Meeting, please invite the rooms as a meeting attendee (rather than a resource as for physical room bookings) All teams meeting rooms can be found by searching for the "MTR-" prefix in the address book. When using the Teams room facilities you should set-up a Teams meeting as usual and simply invite the room to the meeting, you will receive a conformation email from the room that your booking was successful as follows: On entering the room locate the Control panel which is on the wall in a cradle, your meeting will be listed on the left hand side of the device with a "Join" button. Press the "Join" button and the screens will enable along with the video camera, speakers and microphone and you will join the meeting automatically. For the Brighton HQ Boardroom the control panel is located on the back wall on the left hand side as you walk into the room there is a 7 Metre lead on the control hub: . You need to press the button at the centre of the wall bracket to release the unit from the bracket if you want to take the unit to the table. Presentation to TV screens: If you have a presentation which you wish to display in the Teams meeting, the Control hub has a lead which can be connected to a laptop, once plugged in you will be able to see the laptop screen on the Left hand TV screen and participants of the meeting will also see what is displayed on the screen. There is a video attached to this solution which shows how to display a presentation on the system