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MS Teams - Other people can't hear me

Modified on: Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:33

Teams - Other people can't hear me

There are a few different causes for Sound issues on teams. This guide will cover the most common.

Firstly: Noise Suppression

Sometimes in meetings and calls the teams noise suppression feature can stop your Mic working properly. 

1. In the top right of teams next to your picture or initials click the three dots

2. In the drop down click "Settings"

3. In settings on the left side click on "Devices". Inside devices set Noise Suppression to "Off"

4. Join a meeting, your Mic should now work

If this does not fix the issue continue to the guide below

1. In the bottom right of your screen next to the clock should be a speaker icon. Right click this icon

2. Select "Open Sound Settings"

3. On this page ensure your Output and input devices match your headset or your speakers (if you are using a laptop or Dell All in One Device)

4. If you speak while on this page the microphone test bar should move with the sound. If it stays grey despite noise happening in your office try a different Input. If no inputs work or if your headphones are not an option list please log a ticket with IT via the following form:  Submit a ticket : IT Hub - 08:00 - 17:00 - Monday - Friday (


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