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Microsoft Teams - Clearing the Teams cache

Modified on: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 10:54

Microsoft Teams - Clearing the Teams cache

Clearing the teams cache can fix a variety of issues with the program and is a quick and easy way of troubleshooting by yourself. This guide will cover how to complete this process 

1. In the bottom right of your screen next to your clock is a small arrow. Click this to open hidden icons

2. Teams should show as an option. Right click this and select "Sign out"

3. Confirm that you would like to sign out

4. Repeat step 1 & 2 but this time when you right click teams select "Close"

5. On your keyboard press hold the windows key and press R. This will open the RUN command box. (Once opened you can release the Windows key)

6. Copy and paste the following into the run box and press okay. 


7. A folder will now open. Select everything in this folder. You can do this manually or by pressing CTRL-A on your keyboard

NOTE: Once selected the folders will be highlighted blue

8. Once everything is selected press the delete button along the top of the folder. This will remove everything in this folder.

9. Re-open teams and sign back in. It should now work correctly. 

If you are still seeing error "We're sorry we have run into an issue" please follow this guide: Microsoft Teams - "we're sorry - we've run into an issue" - Error caa5004b | Knowledge Base | IT Hub - 08:00 - 17:00 - Monday - Friday (

If you are not seeing the above error but teams is still not working please contact the IT Service desk on Ext 65777 or via the following form Submit a ticket : IT Hub

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