VPN Software
Setting up your RAP3 Device
Setting up your RAP3 Device Your RAP3 device allows you to work from home, it is essentially a broadband modem that is connected to the SUSSEX network, allowing you to seamlessly connect your work devices at home and work as if you are in the office. Below are instructions on how to setup your RAP3 device Your RAP3 package should contain 3 items: 1 x Aruba Network RAP3 Modem/Router 1 x RAP3 Tabletop Stand 1 x RJ45 Ethernet Cable 1 x Power Adaptor 1. Connect your RAP3 device to the tabletop stand. 2. Connect the power cable to your RAP3 device. 3. Plug the supplied Ethernet cable into the top port labelled "E0" Most people use their RAP3 via WiFi so there is no need to connect another Ethernet cable. 4. Now plug the other end of the Ehternet cable into your home broadband router e.g. SkyBox, VirginBox, PlusNet. These are usually YELLOW and labelled 1 2 3 4 There is no need to disconnect the RAP3 device, it can remain permanently connected. 5. Give the RAP3 device several minutes to fully boot up, Pwr, E0 and WLAN should be lit GREEN when ready to use. 6. Finally connect your device to the newly available "SUSSEX" network, just like being at work. What do the lights mean? Audience RAP3 users Last Updated by AJ O'Connell - 26/04/2018
GlobalProtect (East Users) VPN Basic Troubleshooting Guide
PA VPN Basic Troubleshooting Guide - EAST (RSCH, PRH, RACH) ** If you are a Western Based user (WOR, SOU, SRH) please see the West Global Guide: Global Protect (West Users) - vpn.uhsussex.nhs.uk | Knowledge Base | IT Hub - 08:00 - 17:00 - Monday - Friday (freshservice.com)** If you have already tried the below steps and are still experiencing issues, please load up Microsoft Teams before calling us. Our telephone number is; Internal: #65777or for external: 0300 303 8361 COMMON ISSUE DUE TO RECENT UPDATE - JULY 2021 You may find your username and password are missing and you are being asked to login again. Please see the "username and password" section below What is it? The GlobalProtect app is one of the VPN tools we use on our portable devices which enables us to securely access our BSUH network i.e. T: Drive & Clinical apps. Where to find Global Protect Press the Start button on the bottom left of the screen and look for Palo Alto Networks, then click on GlobalProtect; When GlobalProtect is running, it can be found in the System Tray (upwards arrow) as seen below; Portal Address The portal address is: aovpn.bsuh.nhs.uk Username and Password Box When prompted for a username and password, you need to enter firstname.lastname@bsuh.nhs.uk (computer login) and password that goes with computer login If you are unable to sign in please contact the IT Hub on ext 65777
SupportGateway Guide
CRIS SupportGateway Guide Instructions APRL 23: Issues with this that you cant solve sent to infra networks *There is currently an outstanding issue with delays on TIC email, for now ALL users have been set up with a static code which is: 818905 - Document will be updated when static code is no longer being used* *I have also attached a list of users (firstname, surname & Login ID) in case it's needed* Step 1: Open the Edge Browser Step 2: Once open, copy this url -> https://supportgateway.bsuh.nhs.uk and paste it into Edge. Step 3: Enter your logon details. Please make sure to add “BSUH\” before your User ID. Step 4: You will be asked to enter a 6-digit code. This will be emailed to you. In the example below, the code is 748312: Step 5: Once signed in, click the box with the NHS logo shown below: Step 6: Enter your logon details. again make sure to add “BSUH\” before your User ID. Step 7: Click the CRIS Symbol Step 8: When the CRIS log in page loads, enter your details. If you experience any issues accessing the systems please use the details below: For VPN Login issues: UHSussex IT Servicedesk: 0300 303 8361 For CRIS Login issues: UHSussex East PACS Team: 01273 696955 x63573, uhsussex.pacs.help@nhs.net
Global Protect (West Users) VPN Basic Troubleshooting Guide - vpn.uhsussex.nhs.uk
Palo Alto Global Protect VPN What is it? The GlobalProtect app is one of the VPN tools we use on our portable devices which enables us to securely access our University Hospitals Sussex network i.e. Shared Drives and Clinical apps. Where to find Global Protect Press the Start button on the bottom left of the screen and look for Palo Alto Networks, then click on GlobalProtect; When GlobalProtect is running, it can be found in the System Tray (upwards arrow) as seen below; AD Group Sussex AD username needs adding to group: RYR-LS-PaloVPNusers Portal Address The portal address is: vpn.uhsussex.nhs.uk Username and Password Box When prompted for a username and password, you need to enter your normal computer login and password. After you hit connect, you may receive another box about a “Certificate”. Please pick the top option and continue. Once connected, you should see confirmation as below :