Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams - Breakout Rooms
Microsoft Teams - "we're sorry - we've run into an issue" - Error caa5004b
Teams sometimes throws an issue where it cannot authenticate your account due to saved log in details on your machine. When this is the case, you will see the below error: To fix this: 1. Close teams completely 2. In the bottom left of your screen next to the start button search "Access work or school". Select this from the results 3. Within the Access work or school page click on the saved email. This will then give you a disconnect option 4. Press "Disconnect" and then "Yes" on the warning pop up 5. Repeat this process until you are left with only the Domain account and your page looks like this: NOTE: If you are originally BSUH it will instead say "Connected to BSUH AD Domain" 6. Reload teams and sign back in when prompted 7. when prompted as below click OK 8. Teams is now ready to go If you have any issues with this guide or if the issue persists please contact the IT HUB on ext 65777 and we will be happy to assist Last edited by Jen Ayling 7/12/22
Create OneDrive Link to Files and Folders in Teams.
You can create a link to files and folders stored in Teams so that it appears in File Explorer inside your NHS OneDrive. This allows you to navigate files and folders the same way you did when you accessed the files from a network share. In this example, I am going to create a Link to End User Computing from my Team UHSx - IT Operations Department In Teams, navigate to the Team and Channel you want to create a link to. Click Files at the top. You will then see another set of options below. One of the options is Add shortcut to OneDrive. Click that option. If you do not see the option you may need to click the ... symbol to see it in a drop down menu. You will see a message confirming the action. Open File Explorer and expand the OneDrive - NHS entry from the folder selection on the left. You will see the Channel has appeared in the list with a Link symbol. Please note, it may take a minute or two for the folder to appear. On some occasions, you may need to quit OneDrive and reopen it. Click on that and you can navigate the folders and files just like you could on the network. Any changes you make will reflect in Teams. You can drag and drop files into the structure and create folders. It will update for everyone using the Team. Be careful when deleting files and folders as this will delete the data from the Team/Sharepoint. If you want to remove the link, Right click the link in the folder list on the left and select one drive - remove shortcut This will remove it from your account. It will not delete the channel or folders from Teams/Sharepoint and it will not remove your access in Teams/Sharepoint. For information on what the various status symbols mean in a OneDrive folder, please consult this Microsoft Article. What do the OneDrive icons mean? - Microsoft Support
MS Teams - Other people can't hear me
Teams - Other people can't hear me There are a few different causes for Sound issues on teams. This guide will cover the most common. Firstly: Noise Suppression Sometimes in meetings and calls the teams noise suppression feature can stop your Mic working properly. 1. In the top right of teams next to your picture or initials click the three dots 2. In the drop down click "Settings" 3. In settings on the left side click on "Devices". Inside devices set Noise Suppression to "Off" 4. Join a meeting, your Mic should now work If this does not fix the issue continue to the guide below 1. In the bottom right of your screen next to the clock should be a speaker icon. Right click this icon 2. Select "Open Sound Settings" 3. On this page ensure your Output and input devices match your headset or your speakers (if you are using a laptop or Dell All in One Device) 4. If you speak while on this page the microphone test bar should move with the sound. If it stays grey despite noise happening in your office try a different Input. If no inputs work or if your headphones are not an option list please log a ticket with IT via the following form: Submit a ticket : IT Hub - 08:00 - 17:00 - Monday - Friday (
Microsoft Teams - Adding a 'Chat to me on Teams' link to your signature
Solution is to show how to add a link to your signature, once clicked, opens a chat window on Teams direct with that person First, you want to create a signature in Outlook or OWA, where possible type in some placeholder text e.g. 'Chat to me direct' into your Edit signature field Highlight the text you've chosen and then press Ctrl K on your keyboard, this then allows you to insert the Teams Chat deeplink (Hyperlink) address Once the link is pasted in and amended to include your email address, click OK and the text becomes blue and active for others to use How to create your Teams Chat deeplink The format for the Teams chat deeplinks is as follows: EMAIL ADDRESS GOES HERE For example, if your email address were, then the deeplink would be:
Removing guest teams accounts from MS teams
Removing guest teams accounts from MS teams
Microsoft Teams - Clearing the Teams cache
Microsoft Teams - Clearing the Teams cache Clearing the teams cache can fix a variety of issues with the program and is a quick and easy way of troubleshooting by yourself. This guide will cover how to complete this process 1. In the bottom right of your screen next to your clock is a small arrow. Click this to open hidden icons 2. Teams should show as an option. Right click this and select "Sign out" 3. Confirm that you would like to sign out 4. Repeat step 1 & 2 but this time when you right click teams select "Close" 5. On your keyboard press hold the windows key and press R. This will open the RUN command box. (Once opened you can release the Windows key) 6. Copy and paste the following into the run box and press okay. %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams 7. A folder will now open. Select everything in this folder. You can do this manually or by pressing CTRL-A on your keyboard NOTE: Once selected the folders will be highlighted blue 8. Once everything is selected press the delete button along the top of the folder. This will remove everything in this folder. 9. Re-open teams and sign back in. It should now work correctly. If you are still seeing error "We're sorry we have run into an issue" please follow this guide: Microsoft Teams - "we're sorry - we've run into an issue" - Error caa5004b | Knowledge Base | IT Hub - 08:00 - 17:00 - Monday - Friday ( If you are not seeing the above error but teams is still not working please contact the IT Service desk on Ext 65777 or via the following form Submit a ticket : IT Hub
Teams meeting add-in is missing on New Teams
Microsoft Teams - Trust Background
Images can be find via the below link: Brand identity, logo and templates – UHSussex Intranet Change your background in Microsoft Teams meetings - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Teams - Repairing or Resetting New Teams
Microsoft New Teams - Repairing or Resetting If the new Microsoft Teams is not behaving correctly, there is a couple of things you can try to rectify the issue. You do not need an IT administrator to perform these steps. 1. Type apps into the taskbar search box. 2. You will see the system settings Apps & features. Click on this to open. 3. In the Apps & features section, type teams into the search field. You will see Microsoft Teams (Work & School) appear in the list. 4. Click on Microsoft Teams and it will expand like the image below. Click on Advanced options. 5. Scroll down until you see the heading Reset. Here you have two options. 6. Try the Repair option first. This will attempt to fix issues with the app without removing account information from the application. 7. If the Repair fails, try the Reset option next. This will completely reinstall the application removing any cache information and credentials. This means you will need to log in to Teams as if it was the first time once it has finished. If neither of these steps resolves your issue, please contact the IT helpdesk.