Shared Mailboxes
NHSMail - Owners - Managing Distribution Lists
NHSMail - Owners - Managing Distribution Lists If you are the OWNER of a distribution list, you can add or remove members using the portal If you need any assistance, please call the Helpdesk STATIC DISTRIBUTION LISTS 1. Login to and click on Profile and select My Distribution lists 4. Search for the Distribution list that you own, or just hit enter to find all the Distribution Lists you are the owner of 5. Once found, click on it to open it 6. Add members to the Members Section using the Add button a. To find the user you wish to add search their email in the email box b. Once found, tick the box next to their name c. Click on the Select button (at the bottom of the page) d. Repeat steps 6. a. b. for each person you want to add...then c. to Select those staff. 7. Click on Update to finish (at the bottom of the page). Please note it can take up to 2 hours for the distribution list to update properly.
NHS Mail - Unable to search in a shared calendar
NHSMail - OWA - How to open or add another mailbox
NHSMail - How to open another mailbox in OWA/Webmail NOTE: you cannot open a mailbox if you have not been given access to it first. There are 2 ways to open another mailbox on 1. Add a mailbox to the list below your own 2. Open a mailbox in a new tab Both ways are explained below. Remember, you cannot open a mailbox if you have not been given access to it first. 1. Add a mailbox (so it appears in your folder list) 1.1 Click the three dots next to "Folders" and select "Add shared folder or mailbox" 1.2 Enter the name or email address of the mailbox you wish to open, and then select Add 1.3. The mailbox will now appear below your list of folders on the left-hand-side. It will stay in the list until you remove it. 1.4 Please note, replies to emails from here will always come from yourself. There is no way to change it. Use the other method to reply this way. 2. Open a mailbox in a new tab 2.1 Log on to and go to your emails. Click on your name (in the top-right-hand corner) and click on Open another Mailbox 2.2 Enter the name or email address of the mailbox you wish to open, select it from the list of results and click on Open 2.3 You may need to type the address in full if no results appear. The mailbox will now open in a separate tab beside your own. To open it again, repeat the above steps. Replying to emails this way ensures it always appears to come from the other mailbox. Audience WSHT Last Updated by Jen Ayling - 08/08/24
NHSMail - Owners - How to grant access to a shared mailbox
NHSMail - Owners - How to grant access to a shared mailbox NOTE: Only an OWNER of a shared generic mailbox can manage the permissions of it. 1. Log in the NHSMail PORTAL at using the Login button in the top right. 2. Click on the Profile button 3. Select My Shared Mailboxes 4. In the email search bar enter the email address of the shared mailbox you wish to manage and press the magnifying glass icon to the right of the email 5. When the search is complete click the mailbox that is listed 6. To remove Members click on the red X next to their name and click on Update. 7. To Add a Member, click on the Add button, you will be taken to a search page, here you can search the WHOLE of for whoever you want to add. Tip: Search using Lastname, Firstname e.g. Smith, John Or search by email address, which is quicker but you must type it correctly 8. When you have found the one you want to add, tick the box next to their name and click the Select button 9. You will be returned to the mailbox screen, click on Update to finish your work. Audience UHS Last Updated by AJ O'Connell 29/06/2021